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类型:英语阅读    时间:2024-02-18    点击量354
Suppose this, one day, when you wake up, you get the message that you have hit the big fortune, what will you react to this?This is exactly the same thing happens to me, though I have heard thousands of times that I must be treated, seeing the great temptation of iphone and ipad, I still want to figure out the message. At last, it turns out that fortune will never come from the sky, I lost few money on the call.假设有一天,当你醒来时,你收到消息说你中了大奖,你会对此有什么反应?同样的事情就发生在我身上,尽管我已经听过成千上万次我必须认真对待,但看到iphone和ipad的巨大诱惑,我仍然想对这消息进行核实。最后,财富永远不会从天而降,我在电话里却损失了很少的钱。
Though people have been told many times that the fortune will never come without hard work, when the message comes to tell them they hit the big luck, people can’t refuse to check it out, they still hold the idea that if the message is true, they don’t have to work so hard and can do what they want. The fact is that people’s desire is infinite, they want to get the money while without hard work. As the saying that no pain, no gain, the right attitude towards fortune is to gain by the hard work. 尽管人们多次被告知,如果不努力工作,财富永远不会到来,但当消息传来告诉他们他们遇到了好运时,人们不能拒绝去核实,他们仍然认为,如果消息是真的,他们就不必那么努力工作,可以做他们想做的事。事实上,人们的欲望是无限的,他们想在不努力的情况下获得金钱。俗话说,没有付出就没有收获,正确的对待财富的态度是通过努力获得。
There is no fortune that will come from the sky, only by hard working will people create their own fortune.财富不会从天而降,只有通过努力工作,人们才能创造他们自己的财富。
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