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超瘦身材已经过时Skinny Size Is Out of Date

类型:英语阅读    时间:2023-12-28    点击量1051
In the beginning of the year of 2000, girls were chasing for skinny size. Every girl believed that only the skinny body shape could make them beautiful. The ads used these thin models to tempt females to buy their products. But now, things have changed. Skinny size is no longer popular.2000年初,女孩们开始追求骨感美,每个女孩都认为只有纤瘦的体型可以使她们看起来漂亮。广告也使用一些纤瘦的模特来吸引女性购买它们的产品。但是如今,审美改变了,超瘦的体型不再受欢迎。
Some positive messages are showed in the ads. The models look beautiful with perfect body shapes, and they release the information about keeping balanced diet and doing exercise. This is the positive way to be beautiful instead of taking medicine or refusing having food. What’s more, the models advocate healthy body size, some ads use the models with average size, which inspires hundreds of girls.积极的信息显示在广告中。模特看起来很漂亮,有着完美的体型,他们散发的信息是保持均衡的饮食和锻炼。这是积极变美的方式变美而不是通过药品或拒绝进食。而且,模特提倡健康的体型,有些广告使用普通大众身材的模特,鼓励了数以百计的女孩。
The change reflects people pay attention to their inner desire, and they dare to face who they are and accept the real side. Many years ago, some skinny size models died because of lacking of nutrition. So the government took some policy to limit models’ size, in order to show people the healthy size. Now it works. Teenagers have positive attitude to lose weight.这些变化反映了人们对自己内心欲望的关注,他们敢于面对自己,接受真实的一面。许多年前,一些瘦小体型的模特死于缺乏营养。因此,为了向大众展示健康的体型,政府采取了一些政策来控制模特体型的大小。这确实是有成效的。现在,青少年都用积极的态度去对待减肥。
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