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一个好的聆听者A Good Listener

类型:英语阅读    时间:2023-12-12    点击量1014
Can you believe that a boy who is about 8 years old is the master of giving advice on love relationship? This funny incident happened in America. A little boy was doing his business on the street, he earned just one dollar each person. Of course, people did not come for advice, and all they needed was a good listener.你能相信一个8岁左右的男孩是爱情专家么?这个有趣的事件发生在美国。一个小男孩正在街上做他的生意,他从每个客人身上得到一美元。当然人们不是来听他的建议,他们需要的是一个忠实的聆听者。
Most people feel depressed today. In the public occasion, the powerful person is in charge of everything, who is the shinning star and enjoys to be followed by others. While most people have less chance to express themselves. Sometimes they need to listen to their inner voices, that’s why the little boy’s business is favored.如今很多人都会有些抑郁。在公共场合,一些有头有脸的人平时都是主管一切,是耀眼的明星,享受着别人的崇拜。然而大多数人都缺少诉说情绪的机会。有时候他们也需要倾听自己内心的声音,这就是小男孩的生意受到青睐的原因。
To be a good listener can help us to learn things. Once a celebrity said that a good listener was not only popular everywhere, but after a while he also got to know something. When we learn to know how others feel about the same incident, we start to consider the way we deal with it. Am I too forced? Or do I forget others? So we can know better how to deal with things next time. 成为一个好的聆听者可以帮助我们学到一些东西。曾经一个名人说过,一个好的倾听者不仅是受欢迎的,一段时间后,他也学到了东西。当我们慢慢知道不同的人对同一件事的不同看法,我们也会开始考虑自己的处理方式是否得当。我是不是太强势了?或者我是否遗忘别的因素了?因此,我们可以知道下次如何把事情处理得更好。
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