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类型:英语阅读    时间:2024-02-18    点击量787
China is known as the great big old country with the history of more than five thousand years. When foreigners talk about China, they first think about the food. The food in different areas has different flavors. Chinese food is conquering the world.中国是一个古老而闻名的大国,有五千多年的历史。当外国人谈论中国时,他们首先想到的是食物。不同的地区有不同口味的食物,中国食品正在征服世界。
A netizen published funny things about his foreign friend. The friend decided to come back the UK, because he got tired of taking so much time on the way to the work office in China, but a few days later, he came back because he missed Chinese food. 网友发表了他的外国朋友一些有趣的事情。他的朋友决定回到英国,因为厌倦了在中国花太多时间在上下班路上,但不久后,他回来了,因为他想念中国菜。
Then more and more people shared funny things about how their foreign friends are crazy about Chinese food. The impressive one is that a foreigner decided to take 5 years to taste all kinds of food. But when the time ended, he was still stuck in Sichuan.越来越多的人分享他们的外国朋友是如何为中国菜而疯狂的有趣故事。令人印象深刻的是一个外国人决定花5年品尝所有的食物,但是当时间到了,他还停留在四川。
The various kinds of food is the presentation of Chinese profound culture. Different areas have their features and reflect the heritage of the ancestors. We are so proud of Chinese culture and hope it won’t be forgotten.各种各样的食物是中国深厚文化的体现。不同领域有自己的特点,反映了祖先留下的遗产。我们都为中国的文化感到骄傲,希望它不会被遗忘。
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