The tendency was rather towards Deism. 他们总体趋向于是自然神论者:宇宙生生不息,自律自动,但是上帝是自然运动的第一推动力。
All of these concerned are the deism. 而这些就构成了自然神论。
We must realize, however, that European Deism never took root in America. 然而,我们必须了解,欧洲的自然神论从未在美国生根。
This ignores the distinction between theism, which usually considers God as an active agent in world history, and deism, which does not. 这忽略了有神论和自然神论之间的明显差异,前者通常把上帝当作世界历史的一个积极参与者,而后者则不这样认为。
Gradually, some aspects of the movement known as Deism gained influence among a few American intellectuals. 渐渐地,自然神论的某些方面在美国知识分子之中产生了影响力。
Voltaire"s religion thoughts were a trinity of anti-church, deism and tolerant of religious. 因此,信仰是出于内心的情感还是出于理性的思考就造成了卢梭与伏尔泰宗教思想的最大分歧。