These are the highest distinctions that have ever been given by our government. 这些是我国政府迄今授予的最高荣誉称号。
Keller received many awards of great distinction. 凯勒被授予很多殊荣奖。
He had the distinction of being the first man to walk on the moon. 他以月球上第一个行走而闻名于世。
There is a fine distinction between the two words. 这两个字之间有细微区别。
He passed the examination with distinction. 他以优异成绩通过考试。
This is a refrigerator of distinction. 这是一台优质电冰箱。
There is a distinction between what he says and what he does. 他言行不一。
I don't understand your distinction: surely all painting is art? 我不明白你为什麽要有所区分,所有的绘画不都是艺术吗?