Visitors to The Cloisters may use free city parking available in Fort Tryon Park. 看来那里的停车费也不便宜.
Tryon Edwards took a firm stand, saying that “if you would thoroughly know anything, teach it to others. 这一段举孔子的例子立意很好,但是最后一句话有逻辑问题.
Officers eventually persuaded Steve Tryon, 18, to come outside after 45 minutes and arrested him on a preliminary felony charge of robbery. 员警最后花了45分钟说服18岁的史蒂夫.泰森走出屋外,并以初级重罪的罪名将之逮捕。
To paraphrase physicist Edward Tryon, the big bang is easier to understand if it is not the beginning of everything but just one of those things that happens from time to time. 我们改述一下物理学家崔昂(EdwardTryon)的话:如果大霹雳不是一切事物的开端,而只是不时发生的一个事件的话,就比较容易理解。
Much of the medieval collection is housed at The Cloisters in Manhattan's Fort Tryon Park;its building (1938) incorporates parts of medieval monasteries and churches. 大部分中世纪艺术品陈列于曼哈顿特赖恩堡公园的修道院,其建筑(1938年开放)由中世纪的修道院和教堂两部分组成。