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互惠主义, 双边关系原则,两侧对称

The bilateralism is a theory that two countries (or regions) take part in and work out problems by negotiation. 双边主义是由两个国家(或地区)参加并协商解决问题的一种理论和主张。

This paper analyzes the feasibility and tolerance of Bilater al Stress Elliptic Theory, and it concludes that it can meet the engineering req uirements of casing designing. 对双向应力椭圆理论的适用性和计算误差进行了分析。双向应力椭圆理论用于套管柱设计能满足工程需要。

Firstly, the PRC can easily operate "Shanghai Five" because of the characteristics of incrementalism, bilateralism, and major power relations that "Shanghai Five" implies. 原因之一是上海五国安全合作具有渐进主义、大国关系、以及双边合作性质,利于中共运作;

Nor need we here examine the effect of import quotas, exchange controls, bilateralism and other means of reducing, diverting or preventing international trade. 我们无需在这里探讨进口配额、外汇管制、双边互惠,以及其他减低、转移或阻碍进行国际贸易的手段的影响。

Multilateralism within the framework of ASEAN has been a forbidden zone for ASEAN security strategy and bilateralism becomes the main mechanism for ASEAN security cooperation. 东盟框架内的多边主义一直是东盟安全战略的禁区,所以双边主义成为东盟主要的安全合作方式,但在冷战结束以后,东盟内部以及与外部多边合作的趋势越来越明显。

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