Does anybody see my espousal ring? 有人看到我的订婚戒指吗?
Is there anybody see my espousal ring? 有人看到我的订婚戒指吗?
Many stories have been handed down among the Chinese people about a judge known for his fearless espousal of justice. 中国民间流传着许多有关包公的传说,称他为“包青天”、“青天大老爷”,称赞他执法严明,铁面无私,为老百姓做主。
She know that her mother would never accept such an innformal ring, so she keep the secret of her espousal and she wears her ring only on duties. 她知道母亲不会同意她接受这样一枚不正式的戒指,所以她对自己订婚一事严守秘密,只在上班时才戴上那戒指。
This enthusiastic espousal of the private sector and technology has placed Jordan at the centre of a wider Gasoline Chain Saw debate over whether. 这一次的经验让我深切地理解到,项目管理的推动不是一句话便可以成功,要经过一个过程;管理理论的学习只是一个基础。