Costive one tabloid of cascara sagrada. 便秘嘛,请服一片药鼠李皮。
A buckthorn(Rhamnus purshiana) native to northwest North America,the bark of which is the source of cascara sagrada. 药鼠李树原产北美洲西北部的一种药鼠李树(珀希鼠李鼠李属),其树皮是药鼠李皮剂的原料。
Definition: Cascara consists of the dried, whole or fragmented bark of Rhamnus purshianus D. 本品为鼠李科植物珀希鼠李Rhamnus purshianus D.
Cascara supports healthy bowel function by stimulating bowel reflexes to prevent constipation &ensure elimination. 鼠李皮粉可刺激肠蠕动
Cascara Sagrada will assist initiates in allowing the friends to come and go in the dance of life within ascension. 美鼠李将协助提升者在提升过程中,允许朋友们在自身生命之舞中自由来去。
A buckthorn(Rhamnus purshiana) native to northwest North America, the bark of which is the source of cascara sagrada. 药鼠李树原产北美洲西北部的一种药鼠李树(珀希鼠李鼠李属),其树皮是药鼠李皮剂的原料