A person who is expert in or given to casuistry. 诡辩家擅长或喜欢诡辩的人
Casuist: a person who is expertin or given to casuistry. 诡辩家:擅长或喜欢诡辩的人。
Mr Netanyahu showed flashes of his old, combative casuistry as he batted aside the president's demand that West Bank “settlements must be stopped”. 在否决奥巴马“停止西岸定居点活动”的要求时,内塔尼亚胡展现了老练、富有侵略性的辩论才华。
Care ethics and casuistry disapprove radically the establishment and performance of any general material principle, which might be styled anti-principalist. 关怀伦理学和决疑论根本反对建构和推行普遍的实质性原则,当属反原则主义。
One given to subtle casuistry. 阴险狡猾的人