Urinating in a wetsuit is a quick way to warm up. 在防寒衣里尿尿是让身体变暖和的最快方法。
I swore never to do this race again until I purchased a wetsuit. 我发毒誓,再也不参加这个比赛了,直到我买了一件湿式保暖衣。
They practically ignored the swimmer in the black wetsuit. 他们对身着黑色泳衣的人易于忽略掉。
I’m happy nobody has asked me to drag out the wetsuit this year. 我很庆幸今年没有人要我再来一回了。
It can also be worn inside the wetsuit allowing easy entry. 它也可以穿在湿衣里面,这样可以使湿衣更易穿着。