Mulligatawny soup, your choice of two vegetable dishes, Raita, pilao, Dessert of the day, Tea or Coffee. 任选两种咖喱蔬菜、印度酸奶沙拉、烤米饭、甜品。印度茶或咖啡。
Mulligatawny soup, one piece of tandoori chicken, choice of one meat curry, one vegetable curry, Pilao rice, Dessert of the day, Tea or Coffee. 烤鸡一块、咖喱肉任选一种、咖喱蔬菜任选一种、烤米饭、甜品。印度茶或咖啡。
mulligatawny paste 咖喱酱
[Tamil] mulligatawny soup 咖哩汤[通常加米合食]
mulligatawny soup 咖喱鸡浓汤