n.(印度教或耆那教的) 寺庙
The earliest mention of a mandir appears in the fifth century BC. 最早的印度教神殿出现于公元前五世纪。
His body was laid in the Samadhi Mandir called "Booty", which he had asked his disciple to built before his death. 他的肉体被放在了他生前让弟子修建的三摩地(印度和佛教哲学用语)的寺庙,被称作“获得之物”。
Typically, a mandir is dedicated to a primary Hindu deity and other deities associated with that particular god, though in the US many different gods are worshiped in each mandir. 较小的印度教建筑则称为"神庙"。通常,印度教的神庙会供奉一位主神及一些从属的次神,但在美国的印度教神殿往往会同时供奉多个神灵。
Rajchandra Mandir, Nr. 企业地址: Opp.
A "mandir" is the name used to describe all Hindu places of worship; 印度教的宗教活动场所统称为神殿("曼迪尔")。