There is nothing as refreshing as lemon tea. 什麽都不如柠檬茶那样提神。
After a refreshing nap, Mr Adams was again his own man. 亚当斯先生睡了个好午觉,又恢复了精神。
The air is rather refreshing, I suppose. 我想,那里的空气应该很宜人。
It has a very subtle and refreshing taste. 味道清淡而且新鲜。
It chills very rapidly and offers a cool and refreshing touch. 它可以迅速变冷,从而提供一种凉爽和新鲜宜人的饮用感觉。
The holiday was a refreshing change for us. 这次假日别开生面,我们都感到新奇。