She is an old blackguard of a woman. 她是一个恶毒的老妇人。
The policeman has knocked the blackguard right out. 警察已把那个无赖打倒在地。
I hit the blackguard square on his jaw. 我恰好打中那个坏蛋的下巴。
That blackguard has got clear away. 那个坏蛋已逃之夭夭。
It's no more than the vague charge of an angry blackguard. 那只不过是一个恼羞成怒的诈骗犯所编造的含糊其辞的指控。
He was one part blackguard, people said, and three parts buffoon. 人家说他是一分流氓气,三分小丑气。