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After the identification of the slide and needle-fixed speciments,a list of blackfly species in this area and a discussion were given. 结果:记载四川西北部地区蚋属5亚属17种,其中含4个新种和5个四川省新记录种。

After the identification of the slide and needle-fixed specimens, a list of blackfly species in Guangxi and a discussion were given. 结果:共采获蚋类18种,其中含有3个新种,加上前人报告但此次未采到的4种,广西共记载蚋类22种。

After the identification of the slide and needle-fixed specimens,a list of blackfly species in Jiangxi and a discussion were given. 结果:共采获蚋科蚋属22种,其中包括3个新种,加上前人报告但此次未采到的2种,共记载蚋类24种。

G ?? reason, you ask ?? to make a few ?Y expecting that ?Mang ? becomes ? toad ?, you hope that this feeling ? r energy ? blackfly accepts beer L ? boundary your two ? 处境二你刚看完下属上星期出差的开支报告, 发现酒店房租与歺费皆超支, 你认为事情不寻常, 要与下属了解情况。

Adults emerged from pupa in the lab.After the identification of slides and needle-fixed specimens, a list of blackfly species in Shanxi and a discussion were given. 方法:选择山西省9个不同的代表性地区,采用常规方法采集幼蚋,经隔离培养育出成虫,制片、鉴定、编制名表并进行相关讨论。

After the identification of the species morphologically based on slides and needle-fixed specimens.Results: A list of blackfly species in Gansu and a discussion were given. 方法:选择甘肃5个不同的代表性地区,采用常规方法采集幼蚋,经隔离培养育出成虫,制片、鉴定、编制名表并进行相关讨论。

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