Cook bigeye and tomatoes in boiling water for 15 minutes. 将水煲滚,放入大眼鸡鱼及番茄煲15分钟。
Age and growth of the bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus (Scombridae) in the Indian Ocean. 以生物指标研究全球海域大目鲔族群之分布。
Sub-area 1, in tropical waters, had the higher CPUEs of bigeye tuna and yellowfin tuna but the lower and fluctuated albacore's CPUE. 亚渔区2及3的长鳍鲔年别钓获率明显高于亚渔区1,而大目鲔和黄鳍鲔的年别钓获率明显在亚渔区1较高。
Organizations which regulate fishing on the high sea have been generally slow to respond to scientists' advice and have failed to address the problem of overfishing of the bigeye, the study said. 研究指出,科学家们对规范公海捕鱼事宜的组织提出意见,但都迟迟得不到回应;各组织也未点出过度捕捉大目鲔鱼之问题。
The western and-central Pacific Ocean(hereafter WCPO)is one of the main fishing grounds of tuna purse seine fishery in the World with the main target species skipjack,yeUowfin and bigeye tuna. 中西太平洋是世界金枪鱼围网渔业的主要渔场之一,主要渔获鱼种为鲣鱼、黄鳍金枪鱼与大目金枪鱼。