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vt. 使 ... 享福; 行宣福礼

In the 15th century the individual writers occasionally tried beatifying their style with “aureate terms”. 15世纪里,个人作家经常试图用“灿烂的词”来美化他们的文体。

We hold “Opening your potential, enriching your life, pursuing nobility, beatifying your life” as our guiding principle for a school. 学校以“开启潜能,丰富生活,追求崇高,靓丽人生”为办学理念,设施齐备,管理严密,师资雄厚,办学成绩显著。

We will continually beatifying our office environment, focus on staff training, and set up a standard of procedure to promote our service quality. 我们将持续绿美化办公环境,加强员工专业知能及推动标准化作业,来提升户政为民服务品质。

Facing rapid developing market economy, we are confident to cooperate with friends from all walks of life to realize Hongfu's wish of beatifying the society with quality products. 在市场经济迅猛发展的今天,我们充满信心,并真诚的希望与各界朋友合作,实现鸿福家具“优质产品美化社会”的美好愿望。

No. The change consisted in the appearance of strange faces of low caste, rather than in the disappearance of the high-caste, chiseled, and otherwise beatified and beatifying features of Monseigneur. 不,不,村子的变化不在于少了那身分高贵、雕像般漂亮、受福也赐福的面孔,而在于多了些身分低下的陌生面孔。

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