Kaplan, David E. 1992. Fires of the Dragon: Politics, Murder, and the Kuomintang. New York: Atheneum. 陈启民,2000,国民党对外省族群的统治分析。国立政治大学政治学系硕士论文。
Between 2006 and 2008 the proportion of Muslim pupils at the Atheneum rose from half to 80%. 从2006到2008年,学院穆斯林学生的比例从50%25上升到80%25。
The handsome stone bulk of the Royal Atheneum, a once-elite state school with a 200-year history, has produced legendary free-thinkers and radicals in its day. 拥有200年历史的皇家艺术学院是一组精致的石制建筑群,曾是公立精英学校,培养出昔日著名的自由思想家与激进人士。
Toronto :Atheneum ;New York :Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; Publication | 出版地/出版者/出版年 New York :Touchstone :1994.
member of the Author’s Union of Guizhou and the Guizhou Folk Atheneum, vice-secretary of Yi Studies Society of Guizhuou Province. 系贵州作家协会和民间文艺家协会会员,贵州彝学会副秘书长。