And HI of coals shows good correlation with proportion of desmocollinite or summation of liptinite and desmocollinite. 镜质组是煤岩的主要显微组分,同时氢指数与基质镜质体的含量或壳质体与基质镜质体的总量具有非常好的相关性。
It is discovered that the liptinite macerals in Taiyuan Formation coal are complete in variety and unique in characteristics. 渗出沥青体和荧光质体属次生显微组分,是煤生烃排烃的煤岩学标志,并可能代表了初次运移出的重质和轻质烃类组分。
Moreover,a new liptinite maceral (not named yet)is also found in addition to the discovery of a considerable amount of... 富氢的稳定组显微组分虽然含量不多,但有迹象表明,它们对较强还原型腐殖煤的生烃排烃做出了应有的贡献。
The largest D P is one of single mineral particle,followed by one of the Liptinite particle,one of the tetra macerals particle is third. 导致这一现象的根本原因是不同的煤显微组分的力学性质及微裂纹的分布不同,而对于同一组分来说,其微裂纹的分布又具有自相似性。
The liptinite macerals of rich hydrogen are not much,but there are indications that they have made a contribution to the hydrocarbon generation and expulsion of stronger reducible type of humic coal. 富氢的稳定组显微组分虽然含量不多,但有迹象表明,它们对较强还原型腐殖煤的生烃排烃做出了应有的贡献。