The acritarch assemblage available can be used fur biostratigraphic correlation of the Qingbaikou System in the vast Yanshan region, North China. 以上疑源类的稳定性和可比性,可作为具有广泛生物地层对比依据。
A moderately abundant and diverse acritarch assemblage was recovered from the Miaopo Formation at 4 sections in Yichang area, Hubei, South China. 湖北宜昌地区庙坡组是达瑞威尔阶/桑比阶界线附近的地层,该段地层产出分异度较高,丰度适中的疑源类组合。
Yin Leiming and Yin Chongyu , 1997. Neoproterozoic Acritarch Biostratigraphy of China. In: Proceedings of The 30th International Geological Congress. Vol.11, pp. 67-73. 尹崇玉等,1997:华北地台南缘豫西鲁山洛峪口群洛峪口组宏观后生植物的新发现。地质论评,43卷(4):355
A well-preserved and diverse acritarch assemblage was recovered from four Upper Ordovician formations of the Dawangou section, Xinjiang, northwestern China (Tarim Block). 新疆塔里木盆地西北缘大湾沟剖面晚奥陶世地层发现保存良好的疑源类组合。
Not only most metazoan phyla made their debut at the earliest Cambrian, but also the fossil record like calcareous metaphyte flora and acritarch change dramatically nearly at the same time. 地球外部圈层的演替变化,诸如大陆重组、地磁极移、古气候、大洋地球化学性质的变化以及大气氧含量的变化等在时间上与这一生命爆发事件有耦合关系。