The Chief Venerable, the Maha Vihara's religious advisor back then, must have been observing me. 物质或其形式在生命中无论有没有表现出来,也都是不断地运行而变化走向于朽坏。
Bhumi Sriwijaya, Vihara Vajra Bumi Sriwijaya Palembang Indonesia, www.jingen.org, www.shenlun.jingen.co.uk, www.shenlun.
Vajra Bhumi Sriwijaya, Vihara Vajra Bumi Sriwijaya Palembang Indonesia, www.jingen.org, www.shenlun.jingen.co.uk, www.shenlun.
The vihara occupies 400 mu, built against the mountain, with a fall of 122.8m, in a hape of Buddha and unique both at home and abroad. 占地面积400亩,佛寺依山而建,落差达122.
She said the Somapura Vihara, a UNESCO world heritage site, is a Buddhist monastery dating from the late eighth century located at the south of the Himalayas in north-west Bangladesh. 她表示,帕哈尔普尔佛教毗诃罗遗址位于孟加拉国西北部的喜马拉雅山脉南麓,是一座8世纪晚期佛教寺院。