No added sucrose. With added Prebiotic. 本产品不添加蔗糖。特别添加益生元。
One of the things we're trying to look at is prebiotic seif-organisation,chemical seif-organisation . 我们要考察的内容之一是生命起源前的自组织,化学自组织。
"The heavy bombardment of the inner planets by comets may have brought less prebiotic material to the inner solar system than we thought," said Boehnhardt. 贝哈特说:“由慧星构成的内行星的剧烈爆炸,会比我们想象的要少的生命起源物质来到太阳系内部。”
One of the things we're trying to look at is prebiotic seif-organisation, chemical seif-organisation. 我们要考察的内容之一是生命起源前的自组织,化学自组织。
White part of orange peel was observed as a good source of pectic oligosaccarides with prebiotic properties. 桔子表皮的白果胶(白色部分)是生产具有双歧作用的果胶低聚糖的一个很好来源。
Resistant starch is a kind of prebiotic, which could facilitate the growth and proliferation of probiotic bacteria. 摘要第三类抗消化淀粉作为一种益生元,可以促进益生菌的生长与增殖。