And if you don't like them, establish your own rival parade or, better still, try to gatecrash another. 如果你不喜欢,大可建立自己的与之匹敌的游行,更好的办法是,在另一个游行中不请自到吧。
Yet again, this militant, strident, obsessive group is trying to gatecrash Auckland's Santa parade and won't take no for an answer. 所以,在周末喝个小酒似乎是一个好主意。
City's approach seems to be to gatecrash the all-important top four by taking elements from each of the teams already there. 曼城的想法无非就是希望在四强身上吸取元素,从而慢慢地是自己变成所谓的强队。
GATECRASH.com.sg, at any SingPost Post Office counter or S.A.M kiosk island-wide!For Credit Card phone bookings, dial 6222 5595 for the GATECRASH ticketing hotline. 8个不同身份的女人-包括妈妈、妻子、女儿,女管家和女佣在一次归国假期中被困在一所密室里,故事描述了一宗秘密谋杀案及这八个女人之间复杂玄疑的人物关系。
For instance he would often gatecrash university parties, get badly drunk and start making fun of any astrophysicist he could find till he got thrown out. 比如,他喜欢大闹大学聚会,把自己灌个烂醉,然后遇上个天文学家就拿人家开心,直到自己被赶出去。