Zen: (rises his eyebrows) Everyone has the right to refuse a gatecrasher! 战:(扬眉)不速之客‚人人得而拒之!
The gatecrasher was forced out of the banquet hall by security staff. 闯席的人被保安强行的拉出了宴会厅。
And if you don't like them, establish your own rival parade or, better still, try to gatecrash another. 如果你不喜欢,大可建立自己的与之匹敌的游行,更好的办法是,在另一个游行中不请自到吧。
Idiom Definitions for 'Crash a party' If you crash a party, or are a gatecrasher, you go somewhere you haven't been invited to. 我和我女朋友在洛杉矶的一次误入奥斯卡颁奖预热party,要算我许多最有趣的经验里的其中一次。
Yet again, this militant, strident, obsessive group is trying to gatecrash Auckland's Santa parade and won't take no for an answer. 所以,在周末喝个小酒似乎是一个好主意。