He did ignor what I suggeted to him. 他根本不理睬我对他的暗示。
In the process of SLA, L1 always plays an ignorable role. 在第二语言习得过程中,母语始终发挥着重要的影响。
From then on, official propaganda became a mechanism not ignorable. 官方宣传机制自此在宗教改革的推动上扮演著不可忽视的一环。
Ignor him, don't low youself to the same level as him. 妈妈:教训他一下也好,可是别打伤了。
All characters whose primary weight is equal or lower than the specified character are considered ignorable. 主要权重等于或小于指定字符的所有字符都被认为是可忽略的。