The statement of the last witness controvert the evidence of the first two. 最后一个证人的陈述反驳了前两人的证词。
I shall have to controvert one or two ideas that are almost universally accepted. 我要反驳一两个几乎是公认的观点。
These two schools controvert against each other in domestic and foreign countries. 无论在国内还是在国外,都存在着这两种马克思哲学诠释理论的激烈争论。
In my opinion, the more abusive they are, the better; Anyway no amount of abuse can controvert the three points I've dealt with. 我看越骂越好,我讲的这三条总是骂不倒的。
It seemed as if his first instinct on hearing a proposition was to controvert it, so impatient was he of the limitations of our daily thought. 当他听到一种意见仿佛第一反应就是要推翻它,他对于我们日常思想的局限就是这样难以容忍。