Ethnopharmacology,2006(in press). 中国药理学与毒理学杂志,2006;
LIU J.Pharmacology of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid[J].Journal of Ethnopharmacology,1995,45:57-68. 韩晶孙来九.
Traditional chinese medicine and Ethnopharmacology are all the most finest part of conventional medicine in our motherland. 石榴作为传统中药,在少数民族医药学中有广泛的临床应用。
BIOMOL offers a library of over 500 highly purified natural products of known structure including many compounds from ethnopharmacology. BIOMOL提供500多种已知分子结构的高纯度的自然产品,包括一些来自民族医药的成份。这些成份都溶解于DMSO(二甲亚砜)中。
Subject_Topical_Eng: Ethnopharmacology; Plant; Fungi; Animal; Microorganism; Mineral; Indigenous Drugs 民族药理学;植物;真菌;动物;微生物;矿物;本土药物