Their daughter Harmonia is the ancestress of the unquiet dynasty of Thebes. 他俩生的女儿叫哈耳摩尼业,日后成为战火连绵的底比斯王朝的开国女祖。
Their daughter Harmonia is the ancestress of the unquiet dynasty of The Dets. 他俩生的女儿叫哈耳摩尼亚,日后成为战火连绵的底比斯王朝的开国女祖。
The Old ancestress can set her mind at rest and leave him safely to me. "老祖宗放心,只管交与我就是了"
Hsi-feng, chuckling to herself, said, "Old Ancestress, there is no problem. 凤姐抿嘴笑道:“老祖宗,这事不难,我倒有个法儿。”
In the forth part, the author discusses whether these ancestress temples embody the concepts of filiality and chastity. 第四部分讨论女祠堂是否含有贞孝节烈的道德观念。