Highly reactive and delocalized electrons would react with photons. 高度活性和非定域的电子应该能够与光子起反应。
The delocalized electrons can exist only in states that have specific energy levels. 游移电子只能在具有特定能量的状态上存在。
We show that states at Dirac point are delocalized when chiral symmetry is preserved, while all states are localized when chiral symmetry is broken. 我们发现,当存在手征对称的情况下,在狄拉克点电子态是退局域化的,当手征对称性遭到破坏时,所有的电子都将是局域的。
Instead some of the double-bond electrons become delocalized, shared among several atoms rather than localized in a specific bond between two atoms. 有些双键里的电子四处游移,由许多原子所共有,而非停留在两个原子间的特定一根键上。
The Internet Troll Personality Disorder is characterized by attention-seeking and disruptive behavior in anonymous, delocalized places of socializing. 原意为“气田”,指喜欢在因特网上散布不和谐信息的人,他们(而且是经常性的)尝试挑起争执,叫人看了心意烦乱,坐立不安。