GND: pushback completed confirms brakes set. 驾:刹车松了。
They have no spell pushback so stay in their face and keep up the pressure. 他们没有强治疗法术所以靠近他们并保持压力。
"I think the Postal Service dangled that to defuse any pushback," Mr.Bevis said. 布瑞斯先生说:"我认为邮电业只是以此作为幌子来缓和任何反对意见。
Icy Veins: The spell pushback reduction from this talent now works on Frostfire Bolt. 冰冷血脉:降低施法推迟的效果也对霜火之箭生效。
"We've received pushback in the past from groups that find the male/female distinction too limiting," Gleit said. 格雷特说:“过去这段时间,我们收到了一些群组提出的反对意见,他们认为男女性别区分以后限制太多。”