Barathrum fixes his sight on an enemy and accelerates towards it. 一级-缓慢地加速向一个目标冲去,击中他时造成1秒的晕眩。
Barathrum is a strong DPS hero with limited tanking capabilities. 裂魂人是一个强大的DPS英雄,作为肉盾的能力有限。
This item is more for a carry Barathrum rather than a ganking one. 对剑更适合于一个carry型的裂魂人,而不是一个gank型的裂魂人。
The 31% IAS isn't enough for Barathrum to permabash anyone. 31%25的攻击速度加成并不足以使裂魂人做到持续输出。
Sange and Yasha is one of the most popular items for Barathrum. 散夜对剑是裂魂人最常见的装备之一。