AIM:To analyze primarily the clinical curatives effects of computer microwave technology endodontics for by one-visit. 目的:初步分析电脑微波技术在根管治疗术一次法中应用的术后反应和远期疗效。
The location and treatment of the canal isthmus may be a prerequisite to successful surgical endodontics. 对根管管间峡区的诊断和治疗,是牙髓外科手术成功的关键。
Department of Oral Diagnostic Science, Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan. endodontics. 解放军第一O七医院,血管外科,山东,烟台,264002
Operating microscope has significantly been in use in endodontics during the past nearly 20 years. 20世纪80年代以来手术显微镜被应用于牙髓病治疗之中。
Objective:To observe the effect of Periocline,Metronidazole and3%PIVI of the treatmeat on Periodontal disease With Endodontics. 目的:观察派丽奥软膏、甲硝唑棒、3%25碘伏液治疗牙周牙髓联合病变的疗效。