Its application also outruns traditional projector consumedly. 它的应用范围也大大超出传统的幻灯机。
Usually manking can improve a human body immunity ability consumedly. 经常使可大大提高人体免疫能力。
Laurel Fang consumedly square square on striking table say:"You say say? 桂芳大大方方地一拍桌子,说:“你说嘛呢说嘛呢?
Invite a help to give a translation above, thank an everyone consumedly. 以上请帮忙予以翻译,多谢各位大大了。
The result of analyses is that the availability of modular UPS system with redundance is consumedly improved. 文章通过对模块化UPS系统的基本可靠性/任务可靠性/可用性指标计算,分析出有冗余的模块化UPS系统的可用度会大大提高。