Meaning, like you, as an angelic lightness and omnipresence. 如你,我从未在手中抓住过,它是否曾被我拥有?
Yet another attribute of God that causes the psalmist to be awestruck, is His omnipresence (all-present). 然而,上帝的另一个使诗人心感敬畏的属性就是无所不在(到处都在)。
For all its celebrated omnipresence, the World Wide Web can seem like a closed world unto itself. 尽管万维网的大名无所不在,然而它本身看起来却像是一个封闭的世界一样。
How terrible should the thought of this attribute [God's omnipresence] be to sinners! 上帝无所不在的属性,对罪人来说应是多麽可怕的意念!
The revelation of God's omnipresence in the man Christ Jesus makes the mystery still deeper. 耶稣是百分之百的神,也是百分之百的人,上帝的同在与临到基督耶稣身上的彰显,更是一种奥秘。