Notice the lightness and colour in the sky, in photographs the colour is stronger than it looks to the naked eye. 注意天空的亮度和色 彩,照片中的色 彩比肉眼看到的要强烈。
As He put on his new robe, an unbearable lightness of being never felt before overwhelmed Him. 玉帝的新袍缝好当日,他急不及待穿上,然后感到前所未有的轻盈,甚至比羽毛还要轻。
He moved with quickness and lightness. 他动作敏捷、轻盈。
The reader who does not detect the seriousness under the lightness often misreads him. 没有意识到轻松掩盖下的严肃性的读者常常会误解他。