In addition, the closure disdain Taurus 9, we all surnamed Jin, fratricide??? 另外,鄙视金牛封金九,大家都姓金,相煎何太急?
On their way to the house they had been commenting freely and severely on Grandet's close-fistness, almost going so far as to accuse him of fratricide. 他们一路来的时候还在称心如意的骂葛朗台守财奴,差不多认为他兄弟就是给他害死的。
And he also becomes a drowned man in the official circles, a fratricide as well as a preacher of the then cultural tyranny. 同门相煎的角色;文化专制的推波助澜者。
The scouts moved out ahead, which I thought was stupid, since we already knew where they were, and this just risked fratricide, but that's what they wanted. 侦察车开到了前面,我认为这样做很愚蠢,因为我们已经知道敌人在那里,这样做要冒着被误击的风险,但这也是他们自找的。
People on both sides of the Straits are all Chinese. It would be a great tragedy for all if China's territorial integrity and sovereignty were to be split and its people were to be drawn into a fratricide. 两岸都是中国人,如果因为中国的主权和领土完整被分裂,兵戎相见,骨肉相残,对两岸的同胞都是极其不幸的。
But his hope greatly deceived him, for fratricide made the one hateful to the republic and his own francophone