His skillful manipulation vivified this puppet. 他熟练的操作让木偶栩栩如生。
He looked at her pretty face and it vivified his mental resources. 为什么不给你自己买一件漂亮的小外套呢?
The vivified teaching of Chinese reading for senior students is based on structural theory. 建构主义认为学生总是与一定的社会文化背景相联系的。
They became vivified when they were found to persist in women’s bodies post-pregnancy. 研究者们发现当怀孕后妇女的血液中仍存留有胎儿细胞时,胎儿细胞会变得很活跃。
Vivified teaching of Chinese reading for Senior students is aimed at checking its effect through a period of experiments. 实验的重点是构建生活化的师生关系,实现课堂阅读教学生活化和课外阅读延伸的生活化。