Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy. 九、颈动脉体瘤。
The antigen recognized by the McAb was located on the cell membrane and might belong to the neuroectodermal antigen. 识别的抗原位于胞膜,可能属于神经外胚层抗原;
Objective To study clinical characteristics and treatment outcomes of supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor (SPNET). 目的探讨幕上原始神经外胚瘤(SPNET)的临床特点及治疗效果。
These congenital lesions arise from abnormal separation of the endoderm and neuroectoderm during embryogenesis. 这些先天性的异常是因为再胚胎发育时,内胚层与神经外胚层不正常的分离所造成的。
Ependymoblastoma is a rare and highly malignant brain tumor considered to be a subtype of primitive neuroectodermal tumors. 摘要室管膜胚细胞癌为罕见及高度恶性之脑瘤,为原始神经表皮肿瘤之一种次类型。