There are two types of Late Carboniferous rocks in Yanbian stratigraphical province. 本文提出延边地层区的晚石炭世地层有两种类型:一是原地系统的天宝山组;
In conclusion, the deep incised-valley in the stratigraphical cross-section was brush-fire. 分析认为,研究剖面附近的深切河槽是局部的深切结果。
The controlling acton of stratigraphical dip angle on layer-sliding intensity in folding process is explained systematically. 系统阐述了褶皱过程中地层倾角对层滑强烈程度的控制作用;
Considering its stratigraphical position, this site should be dated early Late Pleistocene, and culturally of the Middle Paleolithic period. 本文所述的泾渭文化与水洞沟文化可能有更密切的渊源关系。
Tang, C.-H.(1971) Stratigraphical relation of the Talu Shale to the Peiliao Formation in northwest Taiwan. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 8, 175-186. 汤振辉(1971)台湾西北部打鹿页岩与北寮层间地层上之关系。台湾石油地质,第8号,第175-186页。
Case analysis shows that the stratigraphical analysis technique can provide a cost-effective method for designers in choosing the optimal scenario. 实例分析表明,层次分析法为设计者选择技术上可行、经济上合理的设计方案提供了一种有效的方法。