He is the person who has been using different unsporting and dirty ways to win the World Champion. 他是一个用了无数非体育精神或卑鄙手段获得世界冠军的人。
Any simulating action anywhere on the field ,which is intended to deceive the referee,must be sanctioned as unsporting behaviour. 在场地的任何地点试图欺骗裁判员的佯装行为,必须作为非体育行为而进行判罚。
And there’s certainly something unsporting about a dozen men and women on horses chasing a frightened animal across the countryside. 一群男女骑着马横越乡间追逐吓坏了的动物一点也没有体育道德。
The Blues have until 5pm today to submit their response to a charge of gross unsporting conduct for the midfielder's brutal challenge on Liverpool's Dietmar Hamann last week. 到今晨5点为止,已经递交了关于负责埃森上周对利物浦球员哈曼在中场强硬的不道德行为的答复。
If I kill you now without giving you a second chance, I'll be like the unsporting bastard who runs off with his pile the first time he makes a lucky throw. 倘若我此刻杀了你,不给你翻本的机会,未免不是英雄好汉,这叫做王八羔子,赢了就跑。