Any of various similar dipteran insects,such as the biting midges of the family Ceratopogonidae. 蠓一种类似双翅目小昆虫,如双翅科中咬人的小昆虫
Discovery of subspecies toxic to dipteran and coleopteran insects in 1977 and 1983, respectively. 1977年以前只发现13个亚种,而且这些亚种都只对鳞翅目害虫有效。
Any of various insect larvae that live and feed within a leaf, including caterpillars, sawfly larvae, beetle and weevil grubs, and dipteran maggots. 许多在叶中生活并取食的昆虫幼虫的统称,包括毛虫、叶蜂幼虫、甲虫和象甲虫以及双翅类昆虫的蛆。
dipteran insect 双翅目昆虫