"It just makes things worse," said Apter. “只是让事情更糟,”阿普特说。
"Offers to help are often perceived as criticism," Apter said. “提供帮助往往被看作是批评,”阿普特说。
Using Swiss sabre to describe this mobile phone is apter. 用瑞士军刀来形容这款手机是比较贴切的。
As Apter sums up in her book: "Each is the primary woman in her primary family. 正如阿普特在在她的书: “在她的“家庭中每个女人都是重要的”中所说的。
In some species, such as aphids, the flightless morph lacks wings and is called the apterous morph. 一些昆虫种类,如蚜虫,出现无翅个体,被称为无翅型。