The air conditioner droned almost inaudibly. 空调机开动时几乎连嗡嗡声都没有。
To move or walk about almost inaudibly. 放松脚步走几乎没有声响地移动或走
In whichever language, he speaks slowly and almost inaudibly. 无论说哪种语言,波伽利的语速都不快,而且几乎听不见。
The night was dark and damp;a slight drizzle was falling almost inaudibly. 夜又黑又潮,刚刚能感觉到的湿露从天上降下来。
The KFC advert was promoting the chain‘s Zinger Crunch salad and featured office workers singing inaudibly while eating the salad. 该广告是为了宣传肯德基推出的咔啦沙拉。广告画面中,呼叫中心办公室的工作人员塞着满嘴的沙拉小声哼着歌曲。
The KFC advert was promoting the chain's Zinger Crunch salad and featured office workers singing inaudibly while eating the salad. 该广告是为了宣传肯德基推出的姜味松脆沙拉。广告画面中,呼叫中心办公室的工作人员塞着满嘴的沙拉小声哼着歌曲。