Little cute Jasmine was four months old. 可爱的小番茄满四个月啰!
Nio was three to four months old at this time, and she had a huge neck lace because of sick. However, she was still energeticly playing at the balcony. 小妞三、四个月时生病戴头套的样子。正在阳台玩土、吃草被我逮个正著。
We use FB fulltime.We have used FB on vacation in Saipan, Thailand, and New Zealand.The first time, our son was four months old and the latest time he was almost two years old. 我是全程使用FB布尿裤
All dogs are at risk but puppies younger than four months old and dogs that have not been vaccinated against canine distemper are at increased risk of acquiring the disease. 所有的狗都有可能感染犬瘟,但是四个月内的幼犬和没有注射过犬瘟疫苗的狗最易感染。
In a courtyard built by the mountain, several three puppies four months old are playing in the courtyard, a thin and hollow *** squats on the vacant lot in the height barking. 在一个依山而建的院子里,几条三四个月大的小狗正在院子里嬉戏,一条瘦瘪的母狗蹲在高处空地上“汪汪”地叫着。