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[机] 显微组织

Because of distinctive micro structure of nanometre materiasls,it was paid widely attention on its application fields. 由于纳米材料独特的显微结构,其应用范围已引起了人们的广泛关注。

The micro structure of deposited metal is composed of martensite,residual austnesite and carbide hard phase. 堆焊层组织为马氏体+残余奥氏体+碳化物硬质相。

The luster depend on the refractive index of all kind of mineral which consist of the rock, also depend on the micro structure of the stone surface. 光泽度的大小一方面取决于组成岩石的各种矿物的折射率的大小,另一方面与石材表面的微观结构密切相关。

Reservior micro structure is a small subclass on the oilfield structure because of fine distinction of the layers depth. 储层微型构造是在总的油田构造背景上,储层顶底面的微细起伏变化所显示的小构造。

The micro structure of iron based P/M oil impregnating antifrication materials includes pearlite, cementite and free graphite . 铁基粉末冶金含油减摩材料的显微组织为珠光体、渗碳体和游离石墨。

Macro and micro structure of the fractured steering knuckle arm was examined by optical microscope and scanning electron microscope. 采用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对断裂转向节臂的宏、微观组织进行了分析。

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