A crafty Kisser enjoys being playful and prankish. 狡猾的接吻者总是很调皮并且喜欢恶作剧式的亲吻。
His behaviour was marked by an oddly prankish streak and outbursts of genuine jollity. 他的行为玩世不恭,并且以真挚欢快的情感爆发为特点。
Back-to-back, the man flocks and go up, prankish the next another belle Jing is colourful be born. 紧接着,男人蜂拥而上,戏弄之下一个又一个美女便惊艳出世。
Prankish; mischievous. 恶作剧的;淘气的
the children's prankish acts 孩子们的恶作剧行为