People can buy a very nice outfit in just a couple of minutes , and they can change their outward appearances in a few hours by going to a barbar"s shop or a hairdresser"s . 以上只是考生中比较普遍的一些想法和观点。
It's another fun-filled day as Barney and the children make visit to some of the local businesses, including Cannoli's Bakery, Bouffant's Barbar shop, the PB&J cafe and Green's Grocery. 这是一个充满欢乐的日子,因为班尼要带小朋友参观各种不同行业的店铺,包括面包店、理发店、露天茶座和杂货店。
Diablo Source: Der Barbar soll ja der gleiche wie in D2 sein, nur 20 Jahre spä 翻译:野蛮人应该和D2里是一样,只不过是20年后的。
Barbar 巴伯