Affect China and concern of circumjacent nation development. 影响中国与周边国家发展关系。
One, circumjacent external economic collaboration face.. 一、周边对外经济合作面...
The 3rd, sell the circumjacent product of fictitious community. 第三,销售虚拟社区的周边产品。
Nevertheless, in current and circumjacent inn use free books variety not much. 不过,目前周边店里的动漫图书品种并不多。
A special colony arises in Lang fang, which work in circumjacent city such as Beijing, Tianjin and dwell in Langfang. 在廊坊,一个特殊的群体在悄然兴起,他们在天津、北京等周边大城市工作,却在廊坊买房长久居住。